Browsing through Behance it so happened that I bumped into this moody and cozy urban apartment design by Dim Eysner. I love the raw material aesthetic used within the whole apartment but I couldn’t be more at awe how the space changes character through the use of colored neon. Cool place to switch…
Retail art
Let’s talk about this gorgeous 4tailors boutique located in Thessaloniki. The shop was designed by Ark4lab of…
Bedroom styleboard featuring H&M Home
For my Cyprus audience did you know that the H&M brand has a Home section? Unfortunately in Cyprus, the store…
Total white kitchen
If you can't tell by now I am a true color lover and I usually find it hard to keep my design pallet neutral with…
Paris Acne Store
The image of a female stone carved statue by Daniel Silver standing behind a yellow colour glass could easily be a…
Moodboard 03/19
Lately on my Pinterest (clockwise): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
1. Elegant diamond shape glass wear.
2. Sand…
Apartment 33
Created by the team of Orb Space this apartment design is based on two of my favourite concepts, minimalistic vibes…
Minimalistic penthouse
The famous phrase ‘less is more’ is the pure definition for this penthouse by Hans Verstuyft Architects in Antwerp.…
Serene bathroom
If I wished to be somewhere right now, it would be this serene bathroom by Dubrovska Studio. This relaxed…