I want to inform you that unless I state it, I do not claim ownership of any of the pictures I post. I often post the work of other colleagues and general people I find interesting. I would do my best to credit the picture owners and designers accordingly. If in any case you see one of my posts and you feel credits are not correctly in place, please let me know. I will correct the credits or remove the images if it is requested.

In case you fancy one of my projects, and you want to use it at your online platform, go ahead. However, please do credit properly by using my name and link to their original post.

Studio Sophia, from time to times, uses affiliate links for some of the posted products as well as paid partnerships. In extent, I may or may not get a small amount of money when you click on the link or purchase the item through the promoted site. Please, rests assure I only write about things I love, and the opinions stated in the posts are all mine honest and authentic to my beliefs.